Website Marketing

Are you are looking for the best way to make money online, but feeling overwhelmed by the amount of information out there? I can't tell you how many people I talk to who feel stuck because they don't know whether to podcast, shoot videos, publish articles, write a book, create a course or do webinar trainings first. If you're feeling overwhelmed because your head is filled with all the things you need to get done, then try this simple exercise.

The fear of delegating tasks to others held me back in my business and kept me stuck in overwhelm for a long time. It is almost impossible not to feel overwhelmed these days. Only list the major tasks that you need to get done, and you'll alleviate some of the mental pressure online business in the process.

Every time you get bogged down with the sheer amount of content, you feel like you need to produce, take a step back. When you're your own boss, it's very easy to become overwhelmed when it comes to managing your time effectively , and figuring out what you want to focus on for the day.

Both need dealt with, but for this article, we're going to focus on those feelings of overwhelm and defeat. Now that you understand why you're feeling overwhelmed, let's take a look at some ways to be proactive and live a more relaxed, manageable life. Outbound tasks are most important to this stage as I need to actively acquiring new business to keep it going.

For example, if you are thinking thoughts like ‘I'll never get this done', try changing your thinking with a phrase like ‘It's normal to feel overwhelmed sometimes' and this can sometimes be enough to break you out of that downward cycle. When you're feeling like an overwhelmed entrepreneur, it can be tempting to stick your head in the sand and do nothing.

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